Rain didn’t stop Vice President Maria Scavetta and Cathie Lodge, from having a preliminary meeting with Councillor Jack Douglas, who is the Cabinet Member for Communities, Leisure and volunteering from 2023 until 2027. The meeting was lively and very positive, discussing how Rotary, the community and the Council can work together to celebrate Maidenhead Rotary Club’s centenary in 2026. The initial meeting was mainly trying to find the site for our Rotary Centenary Rondel, but also to discuss how we can help and work together with what’s required in our town and gardens. The Club have to wait for approval of a suitable site, before the task of researching, costing and planning begins. Watch this space. |
Club members, their partners, friends and family enjoyed pre-lunch drinks in the gardens at Stirrups Hotel, in Maidens Green, followed by lunch.
The annual event, hosted by this year’s President Matthew Burdett and his wife Clare, is a great opportunity to enjoy fellowship and build friendships, two of the key pillars of being a Rotarian. President Matthew paid tribute to his wife and his parents for their support and encouragement, and also thanked club member Peter Graham who had organised the lunch. On Monday 22 July we were delighted as a club to welcome Anica from the Guide Dogs charity to give us a presentation on the 'pawsome heroes' at our monthly evening meeting!
She explained how she’d been fortunate enough to form a partnership with her guide dog Lassie for just over 8 years, and what a difference it had made to her life. We were fascinated to learn how each guide dog is raised and trained, and taught ‘intelligent disobedience’. While Lassie would eagerly partake in trips abroad, visiting the theatre, or guiding Anica to and around her campus to teach, she knew to not always follow commands, such as at a road when there was a car approaching. Anica generously answered many of the questions we had and told us how she’s adjusted following Lassie’s retirement, and how she’s preparing to welcome a new guide dog to form a fresh partnership in the coming months. Full details of Anica’s story can be found below. www.guidedogs.org.uk/inspiring-stories/gifts-in-wills-inspiring-stories/anicas-story/ If you would like to be involved in our community focused organisation of Rotary, please get in touch! In 2021, club member Mary Spinks, who was then club president, planted a rowan tree in Oaken Grove Park to mark worldwide Rotary Day which is on 23 February, and also to mark Rotary's commitment to the environment.
Last week Mary and club member Maria Scavetta returned to the park to give the tree some much needed care. It now has more support, some nourishment and less competition from weeds and grass.