A fantastic total of £4,300 was raised for good causes at Maidenhead Rotary Club’s charity Open Golf Day.
The event, held at Maidenhead Golf Club in Shoppenhangers Road, on Wednesday, August 31, saw 12 four-ball teams battling it out in an 18-hole Stableford Competition. The winning team was Fish & Chaps, captained by Grahame Fisher. In second place was Brian’s Baculus captained by Brian Aldridge. The men’s nearest the pin competition was won by Tony Hill and the women’s by Valerie Sweet, while the golfer to get nearest the pin in two shots was Damian Slater. A separate putting competition was won by Duncan Thomas. After the competition, golfers returned to the clubhouse where they were joined by non-playing partners and Rotarians for dinner followed by a charity auction and prize-giving ceremony. The event was organised by Rotarian Eddie Clarke and his wife Eileen, also both members of the golf club, supported by fellow Rotarians and golf club members. | Eddie said: “After an absence of three years due to Covid the event was a great success, exceeding our target. It was a fun day with terrific feedback on absolutely everything. Special thanks to our main sponsor McEvoy and Rowley.” The money raised from the event will be used to support Maidenhead Rotary Club’s many humanitarian projects. Club President Mary Spinks added: “It was a wonderfully successful day with the golfers enjoying the beautiful course in the sunshine and later, at the dinner, participating in the fun and games of ‘heads and tails’ and the charity auction. Eddie and Eileen and their team really did a fantastic job. “The funds raised will be used to help those less fortunate than ourselves, probably within our own community as more and more people struggle with the growing cost of living crisis.” |